Health and Safety

General Statement - Risk Assessment & Hazard Analysis

• The Thames Valley Adventure Playground operates a system of continuous monitoring and updating of its risk assessments and hazards analysis.

• All activities, play areas and equipment are subject to rigorous checks on a daily, weekly and/or periodic basis. These checks are kept on file in the office.

• Risk assessments for areas, equipment, and activities are held on file in the office for your inspection.

• All new activities are subject to individual or generic assessment as part of the planning process. All previous assessments will be reviewed as and when appropriate.

• The Playground staff will be responsible for the site, equipment, and resources in general, which are intended to be open access.  They will also be responsible for any activities which are directly led by the Play staff.

• Visiting carers, teachers and parents will be responsible for the conduct and behaviour of those in their care.  They will be responsible for ensuring that those persons in their care use the site and equipment in a safe, controlled and appropriate manner to ensure the well-being of ALL users on site.

• It is the responsibility of all visitors and staff to work within agreed policy and procedures and to adhere to all control measures imposed as a result of assessments.

• It is the responsibility of all carers to bring any potential hazard or concerns regarding the site, equipment or activities to the attention of the Senior Playworker on Duty.

• It is the responsibility of the Senior Playworker on Duty to act upon any concerns and to ensure that any deficiencies are rectified immediately and to report to the Playground Manager as soon as possible.